You are what you tweet

After recently attending a social media masterclass with Joel from We are Resource as part of a CIH East Midlands event on personal development, I thought I’d share my own Twitter journey to help those just starting on theirs.

Joel explained how to use Twitter to build a network by having conversations on anything from the day job to running to what you had for tea. He explained the importance of keeping it real (not all about online convos) and you are what you tweet.

My own Twitter journey started with a false start, I’d heard about it from friends so set up an account, but couldn’t see what the deal was so cancelled the account soon after.

I think about a year later I decided to give it another go and this time I knew why I was using it, as a source of information. Twitter has always been a main source of news for me, I follow organisations that tweet on a whole host of topics that I am interested in and consult this daily for my fix of what’s going on in the world, what others in the sector are doing and what reports have been released.

I then discovered it was useful as an online address book, I’ll follow people I’ve met or seen at events and DM them if I ever need to get in touch rather than using email.

Finally, it’s a great way to get to know or get in touch with people you’ve never met but want to meet! I think it’s the easiest way to get in touch with any CEO and ask them a question, I doubt I’d have the same success trying to get through on the phone to them.

Staying up to date and having a network to tap into for advice and support are two really important aspects of being the best housing professional you can be.

If you’re still not sure you’re ready to jump in the Twitter pool, get along to one of Joel’s sessions, you’ll find him at most conferences and he’s usually handing out goodies too!!